
梅丽莎·贝雷斯福德 助理教授 
Ph.D. Arizona State University, 2018

经济 & ecological anthropology; institutional economics; water & 资源的不安全感; informal water markets; norm-based water systems; economic and environmental justice; mental health; ethnographic, community-based, and participatory research methods; 跨文化研究  

Mondays from 8:00 – 10:00am 通过放大
No office hours on March 18 or March 25

梅丽莎.beresford@babytripster.com 梅丽莎·贝雷斯福德's CV [pdf]

Dr. 梅丽莎·贝雷斯福德 is an economic anthropologist focused on understanding how humans adapt to water (and other resource) insecurity. Her NSF CAREER-funded research on informal water vending markets develops and tests new economic theories that model how human cultural norms of justice shape the distribution and exchange of water when 这是不安全的. This work is part of an emerging international field of scholarship that theorizes the evolution of new social infrastructures and institutional arrangements (e.g., informal economies, water sharing networks, etc.) in response to the collapse of centralized water systems and the emergence of "MAD Water" systems (Modular, Adaptive, Decentralized engineered infrastructures) under future climate change, migration, and urbanization scenarios. 

Dr. Beresford’s current research agenda is grounded in community-based, mixed-methods field research with water insecure communities in California. 她还与 widely with other scholars to bring local ethnographic fieldwork findings from multiple global sites into cross-cultural comparison. This interdisciplinary and global comparative research approach enables Dr. Beresford and her collaborators to build generalizable theories on human adaptations to resource insecurities that can drive forward new public policy agendas, including those for water management and advancing the Human 用水权. 

Dr. Beresford is also a research methodologist and regularly conducts research to advance methods for community-based participatory research and qualitative data analysis. She is a Co-Director and Co-PI of the NSF-funded Cultural Anthropology Methods 程序 (CAMP), which builds, assess, and advanced research methods training for PhD students and research professionals. She is a Steering Committee Member of the NSF-funded Household Water Insecurity (HWISE) Research Coordination Network and sits on the editorial board of the journal 经济 Anthropology. 

As experienced and enthusiastic teacher, Dr. Beresford’s primary teaching foci include research methods training; mentorship techniques for diverse student bodies; pedagogy and practice of diverse teaching modalities (including hybrid and online formats); experiential learning (undergraduate research experiences, study abroad); and citizen 科学项目. She has directed fieldwork teams of undergraduate and graduate students in California, Arizona, South Africa, and Latin America and is the director of the Culture, Economy, and Environment (CEE) training laboratory at San Jose State University.