Academic Scheduling OnBase形式 (定期的会议 Only)

第一轮结束后.5, all requests to add, delete, and/or change regular session classes must be submitted via the Academic Scheduling OnBase forms. All Academic Scheduling OnBase形式 can be accessed through 一个 using the OnBase app. These forms are used only after Round 1.5调度周期.

  • 添加表单: The 添加表单 is used by the department scheduler to add a class. To change the day, time or date,使用 添加表单 and a 取消表单. To add a new class, 所有列 for the class must be completed (except Instructor Employee ID). 
  • 改变形式: The 改变形式 is used by the department scheduler to request changes to an existing class. To make a change to an existing class, complete the first three columns (Class Subject, 目录 Nbr and Section #) and then update only the column/s that need to be changed.
  • 取消表单: The 取消表单 is used by the department schedulers to cancel a class. To change the day, time or date,使用 添加表单 and a 取消表单. To cancel a class, fill out the Class Subject, 目录 Nbr and Section #. 

During Round 2 的 调度周期, departments will be able to make any changes to the existing class 没有 canceling and re-adding the class by submitting OnBase形式. In Round 2, departments can reuse section numbers, and Add forms should be used to make changes to the meeting patterns and instruction modes (instead of 改变形式s). Please review the Fall 2024 Round 2 Process Memo before submitting forms from March 24-28, 2024. 

Department Scheduler Reminders

  1. Once forms are completed, the form will need to be approved by the Chair/Designee and Dean/Designee 进行处理.
      • Fall 2024 Changes: All OnBase forms will be updated to require four approval steps (Department Chair/School Director, College Schedule Reviewer, Dean/Associate Dean, and the Provost’s Office Designee). 
  2. Department Schedulers should check with their primary College Scheduling Coordinators,她也是一个 representative of ASUG, for any college specific requirements.
  3. All fields at the top 的 form must be be filled out completely including the departmental information (College, Department, Term, etc.). 表单 also include check boxes with sample information and instructions more information about each column. 
  4. A comment is required for each class/section row on each OnBase Class Scheduling form. Examples of comments to include (please try to brief, yet explain the reason for the form):
    1. 添加表单: 'Add new section; Instructor Name: Sami Spartan; cancel sec 02 due to mode change from OnLine to P'
    2. 改变形式: 'Increase cap to 60; need larger room'
    3. 取消表单: 'Zero Enrollment'